Who are we?
The Advanced Summer Course ‘Byzantine Epigraphy in situ’ is organised in the framework of the International Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Training Programme with the aim of promoting and propelling epigraphic scholarship internationally. It is funded by the Centre of Excellence ‘Heritage BG’ of the EU Operational Programme ‘Science and Education for Smart Growth’ 2014-2020 and the Programme ‘Education’ 2021 – 2027. The course is organized under the aegis of the Commission Inscriptiones Greacae Aevi Byzantini of the Association Internationale des Études Byzantines. It is led by Emmanuel Moutafov (The Institute of Art Studies, The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Andreas Rhoby (Institute for Medieval Research, The Division of Byzantine Research, The Austrian Academy of Science) and Ida Toth (The Inter-Faculty for Late Antique and Byzantine Studies, Oxford University). It will feature guest lectures and master classes by Antonio Enrico Felle (University of Bari Aldo Moro), Georgios Pallis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), and others.