Who can apply and how?
We invite applications from advanced doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers (who have completed their doctoral studies within the past 5 years) in the fields of (Greek) philology, archaeology, history, art history and museum studies. Applicants are expected to be fluent in English. They must possess good knowledge of Greek, including Medieval Greek, and familiarity with Greek Epigraphy. Applicants must be able to demonstrate their academic and/or professional engagement with the broader field of Byzantine Studies.
Applications should include:
1) An up-to-date CV;
2) A personal statement of up to 500 words outlining an interest in Byzantine epigraphy and motivation for attending the summer course;
3) One reference letter by a senior faculty member with immediate knowledge of the applicant’s linguistic skills and university qualifications. The letter should include comments on the applicant’s proficiency in Greek and on their overall academic potential.